Just because lies are truth, doesn’t make them real. And one lie makes a world of difference.
Harper McKenzie wakes to the worse possible day: her 18-year-old son has vanished from her Manhattan apartment without trace. Worse, no-one knows what she’s talking about. No-one thinks she had a son.
Has she lost her grip on reality?
Or has the world shifted in a terrifying and unpredictable way?
The Effect is a taut psychological thriller that challenges everything we thought was real, as Harper’s quest to find her son pushes her to the very edge of reason.
Production Credits
THE EFFECT is a B7 Media production for Audible Originals
Featuring Juliet Aubrey, Peter Bankolé, Elena Saurel, Patrice Naiambana, Nicola Bryant, Geoff McGivern, Timothy Blore, Robert G. Slade, Pavel Douglas and introducing Eric Sirakian
Series Devised by Richard Kurti, Bev Doyle and Colin Brake
Writers Richard Kurti, Bev Doyle, Colin Brake, Thandi Lubimbi and Una McCormack
Original Music Anna Phoebe
Sound Design and Post Production Alistair Lock
Sound Engineer Rohan Onraet and Norman Goodman
Executive Producer (B7 Media) Andrew Mark Sewell
Production Executive (Audible) Mariele Runacre-temple
Commissioning Editor (Audible) Lydia Shamah
Series Producer Helen Quigley
Director Andrew Mark Sewell
EPISODE 1: Vanished
by Richard Kurti & Bev Doyle
Harper’s son has vanished, but no-one else thinks he ever existed.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Theo Peter Bankolé
Callum Eric Sirakian
Sandra Nicola Bryant
Bergman Robert G. Slade
Matt the Doorman Craig Van Ness
Marian Natalie Chisholm
Mila Natalie Winter
Mila’s Assistant Katy Maw
Leven’s Assitant Lorraine Ansell
Lawrence Levene Elliot Fitzpatrick
Personal Assistant Amy Rockson
EPISODE 2: Conspiracy
by Richard Kurti & Bev Doyle
As the conspiracy against her becomes more tangled, Harper’s paranoia spirals. Is there anyone she can trust?
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Theo Peter Bankolé
Callum Eric Sirakian
Sandra Nicola Bryant
Isabel Elena Saurel
Salma Laurel Lefkow
Airline Greeter Katy Maw
Campus Security Guard Adonis Kapsalis
Ethan Barry Ring
Student Andrew Wheildon-Dennis
Barista Nano Nagle
EPISODE 3: Evidence
by Richard Kurti & Bev Doyle
Just as she fears she’s losing her mind, Harper discovers a single piece of evidence that turns her world inside out. Again.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Theo Peter Bankolé
Callum Eric Sirakian
Isabel Elena Saurel
Matt the Doorman Craig Van Ness
Professor Brazhensky Pavel Douglas
Catering Manager Walles Hamonde
EPISODE 4: Possession
by Colin Brake
Father Okoro seems to have an explanation. But for Harper, his cure is worse than the disease.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Theo Peter Bankolé
Callum Eric Sirakian
Isabel Elena Saurel
Father Okoro Patrice Naiambana
Young Callum Noah Waite
Father Gallo John Chancer
Lady on the Ferry Nano Nagle
Father Angelo Ramesh Mahtani
Mallory Lorraine Ansell
EPISODE 5: Fractured
by Colin Brake
Harper discovers a pattern in the strange events; but the pattern only makes sense if reality itself is crumbling.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Callum Eric Sirakian
Isabel Elena Saurel
Jonathan Parkes Geoff McGivern
Cassiel Timothy Blore
Woman on the High Line Sarah Borges
Hassan Pal Aron
Gaynelle Helen Quigley
Arbiter Natalie Chisholm
EPISODE 6: Arbiters
by Thandi Lubimbi
Harper is chased through Manhattan. But no matter where she runs, the Arbiters keep coming.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Theo Peter Bankolé
Callum Eric Sirakian
Isabel Elena Saurel
Cassiel Timothy Blore
Matt the Doorman Craig Van Ness
Woman on Subway Laurel Lefkow
Tour Guide John Chancer
Tour Guide #2 Katy Maw
Hazel Amy Rockson
EPISODE 7: Harmonics
by Richard Kurti & Bev Doyle
As the Arbiters bend reality to their will, Harper’s only chance of survival is to find their weakness.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Theo Peter Bankolé
Isabel Elena Saurel
Father Okoro Patrice Naiambana
Jonathan Parkes Geoff McGivern
Cassiel Timothy Blore
Roz Elizabeth Schenk
Wino Craig Van Ness
Security Guard John Chancer
Cab Driver Walles Hamonde
Maintenance Drone Helen Quigley
EPISODE 8: Exorcism
by Una McCormack
Harper must reject everything she believes and put her reputation on the line in a desperate battle with the Arbiters.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Sandra Nicola Bryant
Isabel Elena Saurel
Father Okoro Patrice Naiambana
Jonathan Parkes Geoff McGivern
Cassiel Timothy Blore
Bergman Robert G. Slade
911 Operator Elizabeth Schenk
EPISODE 9: Truth
by Richard Kurti & Bev Doyle
Triumphant and with an Arbiter safely secured, Harper’s ready for some answers. But he may not be able to tell her what she wants to hear.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Isabel Elena Saurel
Father Okoro Patrice Naiambana
Jonathan Parkes Geoff McGivern
Cassiel Timothy Blore
Captain Pavel Douglas
Flight Attendant Natalie Winter
Scientist #1 Natalie Chisholm
Scientist #2 Robert G. Slade
Scientist #3 Craig Van Ness
EPISODE 10: New Reality
by Richard Kurti & Bev Doyle
Harper finally discovers the truth. The repercussions are devastating, irreversible… yet strangely liberating.
Harper McKenzie Juliet Aubrey
Theo Peter Bankolé
Isabel Elena Saurel
Father Okoro Patrice Naiambana
Cassiel Timothy Blore
US President John Chancer
General Robert G. Slade
Scientist #3 Craig Van Ness
Programmer #1 Natalie Chishold
Programmer #2 Sarah Borges
Arbiter Louisa Gummer
Other roles were played by members of the cast.