DAN DARE: The Audio Adventures
Based on the original Eagle comic strips
Dramatised for radio by Richard Kurti and Bev Doyle
Before Quatermass, before the Doctor, one icon of British science fiction shone out beyond the stars. Dan Dare.
But what becomes of the ‘Pilot of the Future’ when the future arrives?
In B7 Media’s dramatic audio reboot, Dan Dare lives again.
Adapted from the original Eagle comic strips – the first ‘Venus’ series onwards – and inspired by the 1951 Radio Luxembourg series, this is a new Dan Dare for our times, serialised in 15-minute episodes, as all good radio space opera should be!
Dan Dare defends the Earth against the Mekon, their battle beginning anew.
Spaceship away!
Visit the Official Dan Dare Audio Website >>>
Production Credits
Lead Writers Richard Kurti and Bev Doyle
Writers Richard Kurti and Bev Doyle, James Swallow, Marc Platt, Patrick Chapman and Colin Brake
Development Executive Patrick Chapman
Series Script Editor Colin Brake
Executive Producer Colin Frewin
Executive Producer Simon Moorhead
Series Producer/Director Andrew Mark Sewell